当研究室は1947年(昭和22年)5月奈良医学専門学校生化学講座として、初代教授に伊藤 登先生を迎えて開設されました。1973年(昭和48年)9月には第2代教授として神谷知弥先生が着任され、奈良県立医科大学中央RI実験施設の整備に尽力されました。1974年(昭和49年)4月、留学先のアメリカより吉原紘一朗先生が帰国され研究の体制が整い、ポリADPリボシル化反応、ポリADPR合成酵素の特異的な性質が当教室においてはじめて明らかにされました。1996年(平成8年)5月、吉原先生が第3代教授に昇任されました。細胞培養室の整備やDNA関係の設備も充実され、従来の生化学的方法に加えて、細胞生物学的な又分子生物学的なアプローチがとられる事が多くなり、DNA transaction に関わる核内酵素の機能解析が進められていました。2007年(平成19年)4月、東北大学から高沢 伸先生が第4代教授として着任され、REG遺伝子ファミリーの発現と制御、膵β細胞の自己複製、Sleep apnea syndrome(SAS)についての研究が進められました。2023年(令和5年)8月、大阪大学から中村修平先生が第5代教授として着任され、研究室を主宰されています。
- 昭和22年5月
- 伊藤 登
- 昭和48年9月
- 神谷知弥
奈良県立医科大学中央RIの整備 - 平成8年5月
- 吉原紘一朗
Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP)をはじめとする
DNA transaction に関わる核内酵素の機能解析 - 平成19年4月
- 高沢 伸
Sleep apnea syndrome(SAS) - 令和5年8月
- 中村修平
1. インスリンの生合成と分泌
糖尿病はインスリンの不足や作用低下により組織に血液中の糖が組織に取り込まれず慢性的に高血糖状態となる病気です。インスリン産生細胞である膵β細胞でのインスリンの生合成と分泌は糖尿病の基盤をなす中心的な問題です。研究室で発見したCD38-cyclic ADP-ribose-ryanodine receptor-Ca2+シグナル伝達系を中心に、ブドウ糖刺激によるインスリンの生合成と分泌の新展開を目指しています。
2. インスリン産生細胞の死と再生
インスリン産生細胞である膵β細胞は免疫異常や種々のラジカルなどにより障害され死に至りますが、その再生は糖尿病の根本的な治療法につながる可能性があります。研究室で見出した再生遺伝子Reg(Regenerating gene)を中心に、Regタンパク質が細胞増殖因子として受容体に作用する「Reg/Reg受容体情報伝達系」の解明や組織の再生の可能性について研究を行っています。
3. 間歇的低酸素の分子生物学
睡眠時無呼吸症候群(Sleep apnea syndrome; SAS)は睡眠中に無呼吸を繰り返す病気で、糖尿病、肥満、高血圧症、動脈硬化症など多くの生活習慣病を合併することが知られています。睡眠時無呼吸により生じる間歇的低酸素(Intermittent hypoxia; IH)が生活習慣病合併に与える影響を分子生物学的に解き明かそうと試みています。これまでに、IHが膵β細胞の機能低下と代償性の増殖、肝細胞のヘパトカインの発現上昇、脂肪細胞のアディポカインの発現上昇,骨格筋細胞のミオカインの発現上昇などを引き起こし、2型糖尿病を合併しやすくなると考えられることを見出してきました。
- Takasawa S, Shobatake R, Itaya-Hironaka A, Makino M, Uchiyama T, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Takeda Y, Ota H, Yamauchi A.
Upregulation of IL-8, osteonectin, and myonection mRNAs by intermittent hypoxia via OCT-1 and NRF2-mediated mechanisms in skeletal muscle cells.
J Cell Mol Med 26: 6019-6031, 2022. - Shobatake R, Ota H, Takahashi N, Ueno S, Sugie K, Takasawa S.
The impact of intermittent hypoxia on metabolism and cognation.
Int J Mol Sci 23: 12957, 2022. - Takasawa S, Itaya-Hironaka A, Makino M, Yamauchi A, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Uchiyama T, Shobatake R, Takeda Y, Ota H.
Upregulation of Reg IV and Hgf mRNAs by intermittent hypoxia via downregulation of microRNA-499 in cardiomyocytes.
Int J Mol Sci 23: 12414, 2022. - Takasawa S, Makino M, Uchiyama T, Yamauchi A, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Itaya-Hironaka A, Takeda Y, Asai K, Shobatake R, Ota H.
Downregulation of the Cd38-cyclic ADP-ribose signaling in cardiomyocytes by intermittent hypoxia via Pten upregulation.
Int J Mol Sci 23: 8782, 2022. - Takasawa S, Tsuchida C, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Uchiyama T, Makino M, Yamauchi A, Itaya-Hironaka A.
Upregulation of REG IV gene in human intestinal epithelial cells by lipopolysaccharide via downregulation of microRNA-24.
J Cell Mol Med 26: 4710-4720, 2022 - Takasawa S, Shobatake R, Takeda Y, Uchiyama T, Yamauchi A, Makino M, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Asai K, Ota H, Itaya-Hironaka A.
Intermittent hypoxia increased the expression of DBH and PNMT in neuroblastoma cells via microRNA-375-mediated mechanism.
Int J Mol Sci 23: 5868, 2022. - Takasawa S.
CD38-cyclic ADP-ribose signal system in physiology, biochemistry, and pathophysiology.
Int J Mol Sci 23: 4306, 2022. - Shobatake R, Ota H, Takahashi N, Ueno S, Sugie K, Takasawa S.
Anorexigenic effects of intermittent hypoxia on the gut-brain axis in sleep apnea syndrome.
Int J Mol Sci 23: 364, 2022. - Uchiyama T, Ota H, Ohbayashi C, Takasawa S.
Effects of intermittent hypoxia on cytokine expression involved in insulin resistance.
Int J Mol Sci 22: 12898, 2021. - Takeda Y, Itaya-Hironaka A, Yamauchi A, Makino M, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Ota H, Kawaguchi R, Takasawa S.
Intermittent hypoxia upregulates the Renin and CD38 mRNAs in renin-producing cells via the downregulation of miR-203.
Int J Mol Sci 22: 10127, 2021. - Okamoto H, Takasawa S.
Okamoto model for necrosis and its expansions, CD38-cyclic ADP-ribose signal system for intracellular Ca2+ mobilization and Reg (Regenerating gene protein)-Reg receptor system for cell regeneration.
Proc Jpn Acad Ser B Phys Biol Sci 97: 423-461, 2021. - Matsubayashi M, Sakaguchi YM, Sahara Y, Nanaura H, Kikuchi S, Ashari A, Bui L, Kobashigawa S, Nakanishi M, Nagata R, Matsui TK, Kashino G, Hasegawa M, Takasawa S, Eriguchi M, Tsuruya K, Nagamori S, Sugie K, Nakagawa T, Takasato M, Umetani M, Mori E.
27-Hydroxycholesterol regulates human SLC22A12 gene expression through estrogen receptor action.
FASEB J 35: e21262, 2020. - Akasaka J, Naruse K, Sado T, Uchiyama T, Makino M, Yamauchi A, Ota H, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Itaya-Hironaka A, Takasawa S, Kobayashi H.
Involvement of receptor for advanced glycation endproducts in hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.
Int J Mol Sci 20: 5462, 2019. - Ota H, Fujita Y, Yamauchi M, Kimura H, Muro S, Takasawa S.
Relationship between intermittent hypoxia and Type 2 diabetes in sleep apnea syndrome.
Int J Mol Sci 20: 4756, 2019. - Kimura H, Ota H, Kimura Y, Takasawa S.
Effects of intermittent hypoxia on pulmonary vascular and systemic diseases.
Int J Environ Res Public Health 16: 3101, 2019. - Makino M, Sahara T, Morita N, Ueno H.
Carboxypeptidase Y activity and maintenance is modulated by a large helical structure.
FEBS Open Bio 9: 1337-1343, 2019. - Kyotani Y, Takasawa S, Yoshizumi M.
Proliferative pathways of vascular smooth muscle cells in response to intermittent hypoxia.
Int J Mol Sci 20: 2706, 2019. - Mikami S, Ota I, Masui T, Uchiyama T, Okamoto H, Kimura T, Takasawa S, Kitahara T.
Resveratrol-induced REG III expression enhances chemo- and radiosensitivity in head and neck cancer in xenograft mice.
Oncol Rep 42: 436-442, 2019. - Uchiyama T, Itaya-Hironaka A, Yamauchi A, Makino M, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Shobatake R. Ota H, Takeda M, Ohbayashi C, Takasawa S.
Intermittent hypoxyia up-regulates CCL2, RETN, and TNFα mRNAs in adipocytes via down-regulation of miR-452.
Int J Mol Sci 20: 1960, 2019. - Shobatake R, Itaya-Hironaka A, Yamauchi A, Makino M, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Uchiyama T, Ota H, Takahashi N, Ueno S, Sugie K, Takasawa S.
Intermittent hypoxia up-regulates gene expressions of PYY, GLP-1, and NTS in enteroendocrine cells.
Int J Mol Sci 20: 1849, 2019. - Takasawa S, Tsuchida C, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Takeda M, Itaya-Hironaka A, Yamauchi A, Misu M, Shobatake R, Uchiyama T, Makino M, Ohbayashi C.
Expression of human REG family genes in inflammatory bowel diseases and its molecular mechanism.
Immunol Res 66: 800-805, 2018. - Aida K, Kobayashi T, Takeshita A, Jimbo E, Nishida Y, Yagihashi S, Hosoi M, Fukui T, Sugawara A, Takasawa S.
Crucial role of Reg I from acinar-like cell cluster touching with islets (ATLANTIS) on mitogenesis of beta cells in EMC virus-induced diabetic mice.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 503: 963-969, 2018. - Kyotani Y, Itaya-Hironaka A, Yamauchi A, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Makino M, Takasawa S, Yoshizumi M.
Intermittent hypoxia-induced epiregulin expression by IL-6 production in human coronary artery smooth muscle cells.
FEBS Open Bio 8: 868-876, 2018. - Shobatake R, Takasawa K, Ota H, Itaya-Hironaka A, Yamauchi A, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Uchiyama T, Makino M, Sugie K, Takasawa S, Ueno S.
Up-regulation of POMC and CART mRNAs by intermittent hypoxia via GATA transcription factors in human neuronal cells.
Int J Biochem Cell Biol 95: 100-107, 2018. - Tohma Y, Dohi Y, Shobatake R, Uchiyama T, Takeda M, Takasawa S, Tanaka Y, Ohgushi H.
Reg gene expression in periosteum after fracture and its in vitro induction triggered by IL-6.
Int J Mol Sci 18: 2257, 2017. - Tsuchida C, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Takeda M, Itaya-Hironaka A, Yamauchi A, Misu M, Shobatake R, Uchiyama T, Makino M, Pujol-Autonell I, Vives-Pi M, Ohbayashi C, Takasawa S.
Expression of REG family genes in human inflammatory bowel diseases and its regulation.
Biochem Biophys Rep 12: 198-205, 2017. - Tsujinaka H, Itaya-Hironaka A, Yamauchi A, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Shobatake R, Makino M, Masuda N, Hirai H, Takasawa S, Ogata N.
Statins decrease vascular epithelial growth factor expression via down-regulation of receptor for advanced glycation end-product.
Heliyon 3: e00401, 2017. - Uchiyama T, Ota H, Itaya-Hironaka A, Shobatake R, Yamauchi A, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Makino M, Kimura H, Takeda M, Ohbayashi C, Takasawa S.
Up-regulation of selenoprotein P and HIP/PAP mRNAs in hepatocytes by intermittent hypoxia via down-regulation of miR-203.
Biochem Biophys Rep 11: 130-137, 2017. - Okamoto H, Takasawa S, Yamamoto Y.
From the insulin synthesis to the secretion: Alternative splicing of type 2 ryanodine receptor gene is essential for insulin secretion in pancreatic beta cells.
Int J Biochem Cell Biol 91: 176-183, 2017. - Fujimura T, Fujimoto T, Itaya-Hironaka A, Miyaoka T, Yoshimoto K, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Yamauchi A, Takeda M, Tsujinaka H, Tanaka Y, Takasawa S
Significance of interleukin-6/STAT pathway for the gene expression of REG Iα, a new autoantigen in Sjögren’s syndrome patients, in salivary duct epithelial cells.
Clin Rev Allergy Immunol 52: 351-363, 2017. - Okamoto N, Morikawa M, Amano N, Yanagi M, Takasawa S, Kurumatani N.
Effects of tooth loss and apolipoprotein E e4 allele on mild memory impairment in the Fujiwara-kyo study of Japan: a nested case-control study.
J Alzheimer’s Dis 55: 575-583, 2017. - Mikami S, Ota I, Masui T, Itaya-Hironaka A, Shobatake R, Okamoto H, Takasawa S, Kitahara T.
Effect of resveratrol on cancer progression through the REG III expression pathway in head and neck cancer cells.
Int J Oncol 49: 1553-1560, 2016. - Takasawa S, Itaya-Hironaka A, Yamauchi A, Ota H, Takeda M, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Fujimura T, Tsujinaka H.
“Regulators of beta cell death and regeneration” in “Pancreatic Islet Biology”, Hardikar, A.A. ed., Springer, Berlin/New York, pp.125-158, 2016. - Kitayama Y, Fukui H, Hara K, Eda H, Odani M, Yang M, Sun C, Yamagishi H, Tomita T, Oshima T, Watari J, Takasawa S, Miwa H
Role of Reg I in claudin expression and barrier function in the small intestine.
Transl Res 173: 92-100, 2016. - Takasawa S.
Regenerating gene (REG) product and its potential clinical usage.
Expert Opin Ther Targets 20(5): 541-550, 2016. - Fujimoto T, Yoshimoto K, Fujimura T, Takeda M, Yamauchi A, Itaya-Hironaka A, Takasawa S.
Regenerating gene protein as a novel autoantigen in the pathogenesis of Sjögren’s syndrome.
Antibodies 4: 409-425, 2015. - Ota H, Takasawa S, Yamauchi M, Yoshikawa M, Tomoda K, Kimura H.
Intermittent hypoxia in pancreatic B cells.
Pancreat Disord Ther 5: S5-004, 2015. - Tsujinaka H, Itaya-Hironaka A, Yamauchi A, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Ota H, Takeda M, Fujimura T, Takasawa S, Ogata N.
Human retinal pigment epithelial cell proliferation by the combined stimulation of hydroquinone and advanced glycation end-products via up-regulation of VEGF gene.
Biochem Biophys Rep 2: 123-131, 2015. - Fujimura T, Fujimoto T, Itaya-Hironaka A, Miyaoka T, Yoshimoto K, Yamauchi A, Sakuramoto-Tsuchia S, Kondo S, Takeda M, Tsujinaka H, Azuma M, Tanaka Y, Takasawa S.
Interleukin-6/STAT pathway is responsible for the induction of gene expression of REG Iα, a new auto-antigen in Sjögren’s syndrome patients, in salivary duct epithelial cells.
Biochem Biophys Rep 2: 69-74, 2015. - Enami N, Itaya-Hironaka A, Yamauchi A, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Takasawa S, Takahashi Y.
The CD38 genotype (rs1800561 (4693C>T): R140W) is associated with an increased risk of admission to the neonatal intensive care unit.
Early Human Dev 91: 467-470, 2015. - Sun C, Fukui H, Hata K, Kitayama Y, Eda H, Yang M, Yamagishi H, Tomita T, Oshima T, Watari J, Takasawa S, Chiba T, Miwa H.
Expression of Reg family genes in the gastrointestinal tract of mice treated with indomethacin.
Am J Physiol - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, 308(9): G736-44, 2015. - Yamauchi A, Itaya-Hironaka A, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Takeda M, Yoshimoto K, Miyaoka T, Fujimura T, Tsujinaka H, Tsuchida C, Ota H, Takasawa S.
Synergistic activation of REG Iα and REG Iβ promoters by IL-6 and glucocorticoids through JAK/STAT pathway in human pancreatic beta cells.
J Diabetes Res 2015: 173058, 2015. - Okamoto H, Takasawa S, Sugawara A.
CD38-cyclic ADP-ribose system in mammals: historical background, pathophysiology and perspective.
Messenger 3: 27-34, 2014. - Aida K, Saitoh H, Nishda Y, Yokota S, Ohno S, Mao X, Akiyama D, Tanaka S, Awata T, Shimada A, Oikawa Y, Shimura H, Furuya F, Takizawa S, Ichijo M, Ichijo S, Itakura J, Fujii H, Hashiguchi A, Takasawa S, Endo T, Kobayashi T.
Distinct cell clusters touching islet cells induce islet cell replication in association with over-expression of regenerating gene (REG) protein in fluminent type 1 diabetes.
PLoS One 9: e95110, 2014. - Fujimoto T, Yoshimoto K, Fujimura T, Takeda M, Itaya-Hironaka A, Takasawa S.
New aspects of mechanism of salivary gland dysfunction in Sjögren’s syndrome. in “Sjögren’s Syndrome: Symptoms, Treatment Options and Potential Health Complications”, Hernandez, E. M. ed., NOVA Scientific Publications, Inc., New York, pp. 125-158, 2014. - Suzuki H, Takasawa S, Usui I, Ishii Y, Kato I, Okamoto H, Kobayashi M, Sasahara M, Tobe K.
The Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II alpha (Thr286Asp) transgenic mice: a novel mouse model of severe insulin-dependent diabetes.
Austin J Endocrinol Diabet 1(1): 9, 2014. - Murakami-Kawaguchi S, Takasawa S, Onogawa T, Nata K, Itaya-Hironaka A, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Yamauchi A, Ota H, Takeda M, Kato M, Okamoto H.
Expression of Ins1 and Ins2 genes in mouse fetal liver.
Cell Tissue Res 355(2): 303-314, 2014. - Klasan GS, Ivanac D, Erzen DJ, Picard A, Takasawa S, Peharec S, Arbanas J, Girotto D, Jerkovic R.
Reg3G gene expression in regenerating skeletal muscle and corresponding nerve.
Muscle Nerve 49(1): 61-68, 2014. - Akther S, Korshnova N, Zhong J, Liang M, Cherepanov SM, Lopatina O, Komleva YK, Salmina AB, Nishimura T, Fakhrul AAKM, Hirai H, Kato I, Yamamoto Y, Takasawa S, Okamoto H, Higashida H.
CD38 in the nucleus accumbens and oxytocin are related to paternal behavior in mice.
Mol Brain 6(1): 41, 2013. - Ota H, Itaya-Hironaka A, Yamauchi A, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Miyaoka T, Fujimura T, Tsujinaka H, Yoshimoto K, Nakagawara K-I, Tamaki S, Takasawa S, Kimura H.
Pancreatic β cell proliferation by intermittent hypoxia via up-regulation of Reg family genes and HGF gene.
Life Sci 93(18-19): 664-672, 2013. - Kimura M, Naito H, Tojo T, Itaya-Hironaka A, Dohi Y, Yoshimura M, Nakagawara K-I, Takasawa S, Taniguchi S.
REG Iα expression is linked with the poor prognosis of lung adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma patients via discrete mechanisms.
Oncol Rep 30(6): 2625-2631, 2013. - Nakagawa K, Takasawa S, Nata K, Yamauchi A, Itaya-Hironaka A, Ota H, Yoshimoto K, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Miyaoka T, Takeda M, Unno M, Okamoto H.
Prevention of Reg I-induced beta-cell apoptosis by IL-6/dexamethasone through activation of HGF gene regulation.
BBA-Molecular Cell Res 1833: 2988-2995, 2013. - Kyotani Y, Ota H, Itaya-Hironaka A, Yamauchi A, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Zhao J, Ozawa K, Nakayama K, Ito S, Takasawa S, Kimura H, Uno M, Yoshizumi M.
Intermittent hypoxia induces the proliferation of rat vascular smooth muscle cell with the increases in epidermal growth factor family and erbB2 receptor.
Exp Cell Res 319(19): 3042-3050, 2013. - Masui T, Ota I, Itaya-Hironaka A, Takeda M, Kasai T, Yamauchi A, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Mikami S, Yane K, Takasawa S, Hosoi H.
Expression of REG III and prognosis in head and neck cancer.
Oncol Rep 30(2): 573-578, 2013. - Yoshimoto K, Fujimoto T, Itaya-Hironaka A, Miyaoka T, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Yamauchi A, Takeda M, Kasai T, Nakagawara K-I, Nonomura A, Takasawa S.
Involvement of autoimmunity to REG, a regeneration factor, in patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome.
Clin Exp Immunol 174(1): 1-9, 2013. - Naito H, Yoshimura M, Mizuno T, Takasawa S, Tojo T, Taniguchi S
The advantages of three-dimensional culture in a collagen hydrogel for stem cell differentiation.
J Biomed Mater Res A 101(10): 2838-2845, 2013. - Vives-Pi M, Takasawa S, Pujol-Autonell I, Planas R, Cabre E, Ojanguren I, Montraveta M, Santos AL, Ruiz-Ortiz E.
Biomarkers for diagnosis and monitoring of Celiac disease.
J Clin Gastroenterol 47(4): 308-313, 2013. - Ikeda T, Takasawa S, Noguchi N, Nata K, Yamauchi A, Takahashi I, Yoshikawa T, Sugawara A, Yonekura H, Okamoto H.
Identification of a major enzyme for the synthesis and hydrolysis of cyclic ADP-ribose in amphibian cells and evolutional conservation of the enzyme from human to invertebrate.
Mol Cell Biochem 366(1-2): 69-80, 2012. - Ota H, Tamaki S, Itaya-Hironaka A, Yamauchi A, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Morioka T, Takasawa S, Kimura H.
Attenuation of glucose-induced insulin secretion by intermittent hypoxia via down-regulation of CD38.
Life Sci 90(5-6): 206-211, 2012. - Suzuki H, Usui I, Kato I, Oya T, Kanatani Y, Yamazaki Y, Fujisaki H, Senda S, Ishii Y, Urakaze M, Takasawa S, Okamoto H, Kobayashi M, Tobe K, Sasahara M.
Deletion of platelet-derived growth factor-β receptor improves diabetic nephropathy in Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IIα (Thr286Asp) transgenic mice.
Diabetologia 54(11): 2953-2962, 2011. - Naito H, Dohi Y, Zimmermann W-H, Tojo T, Takasawa S, Eschenhagen T, Taniguchi S.
The effect of mesenchymal stem cell osteoblastic differentiation on the mechanical properties of engineered bone-like tissue.
Tissue Engineering 17(17-18): 2321-2329, 2011. - Zheng HC, Sugawara A, Okamoto H, Takasawa S, Takahashi H, Masuda S, Takano Y.
Expression profile of the REG gene family in colorectal carcinoma.
J Histochem Cytochem 59(1): 106-115, 2011. - Yamamoto Y, Harashima A, Saito H, Tsuneyama K, Munesue S, Motoyoshi S, Han D, Watanabe T, Asano M, Takasawa S, Okamoto H, Shimura S, Karasawa T, Yonekura H, Yamamoto H.
Septic shock is associated with receptor for advanced glycation endproducts (RAGE) ligation of LPS.
J Immunol 186(5): 3248-3257, 2011. - Abe M, Toyohara T, Ishii A, Suzuki T, Noguchi N, Akiyama Y, Shiwaku HO, Nakagomi-Hagihara R, Zheng G, Shibata E, Souma T, Shindo T, Shima H, Takeuchi Y, Mishima E, Tanemoto M, Terasaki T, Onogawa T, Unno M, Ito S, Takasawa S, Abe T.
The HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor Pravastatin stimulates insulin secretion through organic anion transporter polypeptides.
Drug Metab Phramacokinet 25(3): 274-282, 2010. - Imaoka H, Ishihara S, Kazumori H, Kadowaki Y, Aziz MM, Rahman FB, Ose T, Fukuhara H, Takasawa S, Kinoshita Y.
Exacerbation of indomethacin-induced small intestinal injuries in Reg I-knockout mice.
Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 299(2): G311-G319, 2010. - Takasawa S, Kuroki M, Nata K, Noguchi N, Ikeda T, Yamauchi A, Ota H, Itaya-Hironaka A, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Takahashi I, Yoshikawa T, Shimosegawa T, Okamoto H.
A novel ryanodine receptor expressed in pancreatic islets by alternative splicing from type 2 ryanodine receptor gene.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 397: 140-145, 2010. - Usami S, Motoyama S, Koyota S, Wang J, Hayashi-Shibuya K, Maruyama K, Takahashi N, Saito H, Minamiya Y, Takasawa S, Ogawa J, Sugiyama T.
Regenerating gene I regulates interleukin-6 production in squamous esophageal cancer cells.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 392: 4-8, 2010. - Fukuhara H, Kadowaki Y, Ose T, Aziz MD, Ishihara S, Takasawa S, Kinoshita Y.
In vivo evidence for the role of RegI in gastric regeneration: transgenic overexpression of RegI accelerates the healing of experimental gastric ulcers.
Lab Invest 90(4): 556-565, 2010. - Takahashi I, Noguchi N, Nata K, Yamada S, Kaneiwa, T, Mizumoto S, Ikeda T, Sugihara K, Asano M, Yoshikawa T, Yamauchi A, Shervani NJ, Uruno A, Kato I, Unno M, Sugahara K, Takasawa S, Okamoto H, Sugawara A.
Important role of heparan sulfate in postnatal islet growth and insulin secretion.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 383(1): 113-118, 2009. - Cui W, De Jesus K, Zhao H, Takasawa S, Shi B, Srikant CB, Liu J-L.
Overexpression of Reg3α increases cell growth and levels of cyclin D1 and CDK4 in insulinoma cells.
Growth Factors 27(3): 195-202, 2009. - Yamauchi A, Takahashi I, Takasawa S, Nata K, Noguchi N, Ikeda T, Yoshikawa T, Shervani NJ, Suzuki I, Uruno A, Unno M, Okamoto H, Sugawara A.
Thiazolidinediones inhibit REG Iα gene transcription in gastrointestinal cancer cell.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 379(3): 743-748, 2008. - Suzuki H, Kato I, Usui I, Takasaki I, Tabuchi Y, Oya T, Tsuneyama K, Kawaguchi H, Hiraga K, Takasawa S, Okamoto H, Tobe K, Sasahara M.
Characterization of diabetic nephropathy in CaM kinase IIα (Thr286Asp) transgenic mice.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 379(1): 38-42, 2009. - Liu HX, Lopatina O, Higashida C, Tsuji T, Kato I, Takasawa S, Okamoto H, Yokoyama S, Higashida H.
Locomotor activity, ultrasonic vocalization and oxytocin levels in infant CD38 knockout mice.
Neurosci Lett 448(1): 67-70, 2008. - Hayashi K, Motoyama S, Koyota S, Koizumi Y, Jingshu W, Takasawa S, Itaya-Hironaka A, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S, Maruyama K, Saito H, Minamiya Y, Ogawa J, Sugiyama T.
REG I enhances chemo- and radiosensitivity in squamous cell esophageal cancer cells.
Cancer Sci 99(12): 2491-2495, 2008. - Takasawa S, Itaya-Hironaka A, Sakuramoto-Tsuchida S.
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